Nanofiber yarn is defined as a twisted nanofiber bundle or tow featuring a morphology that is similar to filament yarn or spun yarn. Nanofiber yarn is mechanically suitable for weaving, knitting, and other methods used to produce fabrics. He and colleagues succeeded in producing continuous and twisted polyacrylonitrile nanofiber yarns by using a four-nozzle bubble electrospinning method, and the twist of the prepared nanofiber yarn could be adjusted by controlling the rotational speed of the collecting device, as shown in Fig. 6.13A and C. Two pairs of nozzles were positively and negatively charged, and the metal funnel collector was not grounded. After voltage was applied, the conjugate electric field came into being between the positive and the negative nozzles; however, the metal funnel located in the middle of the two groups of nozzles would have charges that were opposite those of the nearby charged nozzles. Therefore, induction fields were created between both edges of the funnel and their nearby charged nozzles. The electronic field lines were mainly distributed between the positive and the negative nozzles, and between the nozzles and the edge of the funnel. Because of the