To print 2D patterns with complex contours, some methods have been suggested to ameliorate NFES. Zhu et al. designed an auxiliary electrode applied with an AC electrical field to regulate the deposition of wavy fibers in NFES, as illustrated in Fig. 9.19A. An AC voltage was applied to control the wavy amplitude and generating frequency of the fibers. The results show that a continuous wavy fiber can be deposited on the collector when the distance between nozzle and collector increases to 4 mm. The amplitude of wavy fibers increases with increasing AC voltage and the frequency of wavy fibers equals the AC frequency. Lee et al. used a guide ring located 0.03 mm below the nozzle and a pin-type electrode that served as the grounded electrode to focus the jet on the substrate, as shown in Fig. 9.19B. The setup is usable for increasing the axial electrical field without a significant change in the radial electrical field, which can improve the stability of a microsized jet in the cone-jet mode and reduce the breakup of the jet. In this way, various complex 2D patterns can be printed onto photographic paper with average line width of 130 mm.